Best Kitchen Ideas That Work

You say your bookshelf has a dedicated cookbook section (or you accept a committed cookbook bookcase)? You accept a accomplished bulk of recipe websites bookmarked and cooking apps downloaded? You’ve already approved all the online affable classes you can find? There’s no way any of these tricks are new to you? We bet you’ll still acquisition commodity advantageous in this list—probably a few things, at least.

Paper, H: All New Kitchen Ideas that Work Idea Books:

And, OK, maybe these kitchen hacks won’t change your activity in an “I won the lottery” or “I aloof begin out I’m pregnant” affectionate of way. And maybe you accept apparent a few of these before. But we’ve alloyed it up a bit and covered a lot of area here—from authoritative over your refrigerator to the easiest one-ingredient ice chrism you’ll anytime accomplish (no affable or adorned gizmos required). Not to acknowledgment accurate tricks for comestible bowls, means to accomplish unitasker accessories into multitaskers, and alike how to accomplishment burnt cookies.

Are you ailing of bistro a characterless a.m. meal of banal yogurt or a granola bar that’s way added amoroso than you charge anyway? Meet your new morning best friend: the microwave. Acquisition out how to accomplish a breakfast-of-champions in aloof a few simple steps, additional the advice of basal accessories (a microwaveable basin or bowl). In beneath 5 account you can make scrambled eggs, or even fried eggs (hello desk-side huevos rancheros—and fried egg tacos!), in the time that it would booty you to adjustment that cher cup of oatmeal. Your assignment day is about to get a accomplished lot better.

Do this with ground beef, ground turkey and chicken, and arena pork and you can breach off alone as abundant as you charge afterwards defrosting the accomplished package. See added great freezer accumulator tips while you’re at it.

Photo Credit: Chowhound

Drop chip-size slices of beginning cucumber into added bind alkali in the jar and abundance in the refrigerator for a few canicule to accomplish crunchy quick pickles. (You can additionally bead in added vegetables like blooming beans, garlic, carrots, or radishes. For best results, par-boil these veggies afore alkali to acceleration up the process.) But that’s not all you can do with bind juice—see nine more ways to use your added bind brine.

Photo Credit: Somrudee Doikaewkhao / EyeEm / Getty Images

Stray carapace $.25 in your cracked egg? Dab your feel in baptize afore you go afterwards it. Baptize acts like a allurement and the carapace will stick to your feel afterwards accepting to hunt it about the bowl.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Trim the top and basal of the celery (cut it off of the basis if it is still attached) and bead the stalks cocked into a bullpen or jar of ice-cold baptize to re-crisp. You can additionally abundance celery like this as anon as you accompany it home—asparagus too. The ice baptize ambush additionally works to advantage up annoyed broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, and spinach.

Photo Credit: Hana Asbrink

Forget about the cast adamant skillet. Line a baking sheet with able aluminum antithesis (or two layers of foil) that has been coiled at 1-inch intervals to actualize a disposable bacon rack—or abode an absolute wire arbor over the antithesis if you accept one. Then cook the bacon in the oven—the easiest, cleanest, and best way to do it. Elevating the bacon keeps it out of the grease and allows hot air to broadcast about the strips, so they baker and brittle evenly.

As the chefs at Konbi apperceive well, egg slicers are an bargain investment that absolutely accomplish egg bloom a lot easier. But it’s not a single-use kitchen tool! It can additionally accomplish absolute slices of ripe strawberries, or alike button mushrooms.

If the basal of your accolade got a wee bit scorched, besom the grater over the burnt ancillary to addict abroad the evidence. (A Microplane is additionally acceptable for annoying garlic, citrus, chocolate, spices, and adamantine cheese. You’ll acquisition a tip on appropriately application it further bottomward the list.)

When a compound calls for “dotting” with butter, such as a fruit brittle or a breadcrumb-covered goulash (where the adulate adds affluence and helps browning), don’t cut it into tiny chunks that stick calm (and to your knife)—instead, abrade algid adulate on the ample holes of a collapsed or box grater to actualize compatible pieces that are easier to distribute.

Photo Credit: Taylor Martin/CNET

Reducing the bulk of artificial bottles you use is an admirable goal, but if you end up with some anyway, this is a abundant way to accord them a additional purpose. And it’s additionally a added reliable and longer-lasting allowance than aberration ties and dent clips. See a step-by-step adviser to this drudge here.

Use a beeline or Y-shaped peeler to accomplish curls from a stick of algid adulate for easier overextension on toast, or balance of aphotic amber for adornment a cake; allotment cheese super-thin for accessible browning (or for putting the finishing blow on pasta and added dishes, like our Couscous Salad above); bark off the zest-y alien band of auto and adhesive rinds (sans pith) for cocktail twists, infusing homemade digestif, and candying for desserts; or cut continued strips of basis vegetables like parsnips, carrots, beets, or rutabagas to brittle for easy veggie chips, accomplish quick pickles, or alike compose a tangled salad.

When you’re barometer thick, adhesive capacity like honey, maple syrup, molasses, blah syrup, agave, Nutella, or peanut butter, aerosol your barometer cups with nonstick affable aerosol aboriginal to accomplish the capacity blooper appropriate out.

If your ice cream lasts continued abundant to get freezer burned, try accent the ice chrism alembic bottomward as you eat your way through it. The lid will still fit the miniaturized alembic and this reduces the bulk of air the ice chrism is apparent to (the culprit abaft freezer burn). It additionally takes up beneath amplitude in the freezer! See added means to prevent freezer burn.

New Kitchen Ideas That Work: Goldberg, Jamie

Photo Credit: Chowhound

Why achieve for putting an egg on something aback you can baker the egg in that something? This works blithely for burgers, and our Egg-in-a-Nest Benedict Sandwich recipe. Whatever you alarm it, it’s delicious. If you like to cast the script, though, try this Inside-Out Egg Sandwich recipe too.

Related Reading: The Origins of Odd Aliment Names

Scrambled eggs, brownies, cornbread, hash browns, s’mores, carrot cake, cheese squares, tofu with adhesive rice. Appetite added cossack maker recipes? Check out Will It Waffle.

Related Reading: The 9 Best Cossack Makers for 2020

Want to like what you see in the fridge every time you accessible the door, alike if the capacity of it are meager? Cut adorning shelf agenda to fit your refrigerator shelves. Cleaning bonus: If you awning the shelves with Press-n-Seal artificial wrap, aloof rip it off and alter it aback the shelves get dirty.

Related Reading: 10 Fridge Organizing Photos That Will Accomplish You Appetite to Overhaul Your Own

Sure, you can consistently attending up “how abounding tablespoons in 1/4 cup” on your phone again, but printing out a chart to adhere on your fridge or central a cabinet—or alike advance in a accessible magnetized version—of basal kitchen altitude conversions saves your awning from buttery thumbprints.

Print out addition accessible blueprint with this info and acquisition a altered chiffonier aperture to band it to. Or, try the ambush approved in the video aloft that uses your own duke to admeasurement the absolute bulk of baptize for cooking rice—just be abiding your finger’s clean, of course.

Photo Credit: istetiana / Getty Images

There are several means to dry beginning herbs at home, but using the broil is the quickest method. Afresh again, you can consistently mix them with oil and freeze in an ice cube tray. (See how to abound herbs too, central or out. And get added means to use beginning herbs if you don’t appetite to dry them out or contrarily canteen them.)

Photo Credit: Chowhound

The alone affair bigger than taco bloom for dinner? Taco bloom for dinner…served in a basin that you can additionally eat. Aloof array ample abrade tortillas over antithesis balls, astern oven-safe barometer cups, or alike block pans, and broil until crisp! See how it’s done in our Beef Taco Bloom recipe.

The old-school chef ambush involves acclaim prodding the steak to acquaint whether it’s rare, able-bodied done, or about in between; the compactness of the beef will accord to the compactness of your own duke in assorted positions. It’s a fun (and maybe affectionate of creepy?) affair trick, and a abundant one to bethink in case your digital thermometer battery dies on steak night.

Photo Credit: Chowhound

Blending up arctic bananas for a healthy, vegan ice chrism (or “nice cream”) is old account by now, but that doesn’t accomplish it any beneath delicious—or magical, really. It’s arresting how buttery it gets, and it’s abundant drizzled with caramel and/or amber sauce. But if you’re not bananas about, well, bananas, there are many other means to accomplish ice chrism afterwards an ice chrism machine.

Related Reading: Amazing 3-Ingredient Recipes Anyone Can Pull Off

Because a vegetable peeler can’t ability all of those asperous nooks and crannies. It’s additionally an accessible way to peel ginger that won’t accident nicking your fingers.

If you can’t defrost in baptize (still the fastest method), aluminum is an accomplished calefaction aqueduct and will cut the defrost time by about 30 percent, according to Serious Eats—much faster than a bowl basin or artificial acid board.

30 Kitchen Cabinet Design Ideas 30 - Unique Kitchen Cabinet Styles

Photo Credit: Chowhound

The simple blueprint aloft is appealing abundant it, but see the Homemade Affable Aerosol compound for added accessible tips.

Whether you’re packing a picnic or alteration perishable groceries from abundance to home, ice packs are key for befitting your appurtenances algid in the calefaction of summer. If you’re all out of the mini ice packs you best up at Restaurant Depot (or that came with your latest meal kit)—or the full-size ice packs are too big for your cooler—watch our tutorial to acquisition out how to accomplish DIY freezer packs (both solid or gel ice packs) with bowl soap or abrading alcohol.

How adamantine is it to cut a annular block into alike wedges that don’t abatement apart? Adamantine abundant to absolve press out this ability blueprint for slicing all sizes of annular cakes in able ways. Cutting a amphitheater in the average of a 10-inch block and slicing about the amphitheater produces even, athletic slices every time. Or, you can artlessly allotment angular and afresh bisect those slices into abate vertical pieces, as apparent above!

Smooshing aqueous appearance in a strainer or wringing it out in a agenda anhydrate is blowzy and not actual effective—but if you accept either of the above kitchen tools, you’re golden. You can calmly abolish the balance baptize in aqueous appearance by rolling it in a sushi mat lined with a agenda towel or gently squashing it in a potato ricer. This ambush comes in accessible aback you’re authoritative commodity like Easy Appearance Lasagna, appearance dip, Saag with Tofu, Greek Appearance and Feta Pies, and added recipes that alarm for arctic appearance to be aqueous and drained.

Baking crumb and baking soda should advance their alive backdrop for up to 18 months, depending on clamminess levels and how able-bodied the alembic is sealed. Not abiding how continued your alembic has been around? Acquisition out if your baking crumb or baking soda is still alive with this accessible test.

And if the baking soda is no best fit to broil with, don’t bandy it out! It can still be acclimated to apple-pie your kitchen (since its prime bulk as a cleaner is its balmy abrasiveness).

Use a harbinger to blot out balance air in a zip-top bag—et voila, you are your own exhaustion sealer! (Removing the air from accumulator accoutrements protects the aliment bigger and helps it aftermost a little longer, by the way.) Note: You might not appetite to use this ambush if you’re sealing up a bag of raw meat. Or aloof be added careful.

Related Reading: The Best Reusable Straws That Don’t Suck

If buttering blah the ancient way is too messy, bead tablespoons of cut, unsalted butter directly into the pot of hot baptize afterwards you’ve removed the above corn. (Use a little beneath than 1 tablespoon per ear of corn.) The broiled adulate will float to the top of the pot, and you can use a brace of tongs to dip and agitate the blah in the butter. Obviously, this doesn’t advice if you grill blah on the cob, but is it absolutely that adamantine to aloof cycle the aerial about in a bank baking bowl or bowl until they’re all buttery anyway?

If you’ve anytime accursed a cycle of cheap, sticks-to-everything-but-the-bowl artificial wrap, acquisition out how to acclimatized assertive blanket and accomplish it stick in all the appropriate places (the above ambush involves the freezer, while a little baptize works its abracadabra in the latter).

Just aback you anticipate you’re hot being in the kitchen, addition comes alternating and bursts your brittle comestible ego. Like this absolutely accessible “trick.” Raise your duke if you’ve been zesting citrus with a Microplane angry the amiss way all this time, or affective the citrus aback and alternating instead of the zester.

Mug cakes are great, but sometimes you’re athirst for a salty, agreeable bite instead of a candied treat—luckily, your broil can do that too. And we don’t mean popcorn.

How is it that you’ve gotten this far in activity confined adamantine ice chrism the accepted carpal-tunnel-inducing scoop-by-scoop way? How did you not apprehend you can (and should) pre-scoop the ashen ice chrism into muffin tins and re-freeze it? Slicing it is absolute for ice chrism sandwiches. (Or ice chrism doughnuts, which are a thing.)

Related Reading: More Brilliant Ice Chrism Hacks

It’s apparently abstract if you alone charge a drop of grated cheese for a recipe, but if you’re annoying abundant for a taco bar’s account of cheddar or authoritative homemade mac and cheese, this super-easy, acceptable tip for annoying cheese will accomplish it beneath of a chore.

When you accomplish “green juice”—an all-veggie concoction—you can use the accumulation of disconnected lurid your juicer spits out for added than just compost. Although this acute tip won’t assignment with citrus or fruit-based abstract leftovers, it’s a ability abstraction for preventing aliment waste and accepting the best out of your precious produce.

Related Reading: More Means to Use Aliment Scraps

Do you attempt to get all the seeds out of your pepper (and unstuck from your knife brand and fingers)? Here’s an accessible way about that issue—which doesn’t assignment if you’re making stuffed peppers, of course, but contrarily is the quickest way to get to slicing or dicing. (And the action is appealing abundant the aforementioned for abate jalapeños—though in that case, you may appetite to be cutting gloves.)

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OK, this isn’t really ripening them, and it won’t assignment all that able-bodied for hard, blooming bananas. But if castigation are starting to decline and you can’t delay any best for your banana bread, broil those bananas for 5 to 7 account in a 350-degree oven and—ta-da!—sweeter, softer bananas absolute for baking into a quick loaf. Like our Nutella and Roasted Banana Aliment recipe.

Related Reading: 9 New Means to Use Your Loaf Pan Between Batches of Bread

When your cork disintegrates and leaves a band of crumbs amphibian in the top of the canteen (or glass), use a harbinger to backbone out the pieces. Insert the harbinger into the canteen and abode the end over a allotment of cork. Awning the added end of the harbinger with your feel to actualize a exhaustion and abolish the cork floater. If you accept cheesecloth or a accomplished cobweb strainer, you can use those to anticipate the $.25 from accepting into glasses in the aboriginal place.

Related Reading: The Best Wine Clubs to Try This Year

You’ve apparent a bulk different, able means to reclaim agenda egg cartons (DIY bird feeders, admixture scrap, packing material), but this recycling adjustment creates the allowance that keeps giving—herb seedlings to alpha your kitchen garden! Read added about growing herbs central (or out), and tending a windowsill garden.

If ability abundance bonbon molds are a bit too heart-shaped sweet, teddy-bear earnest, or cookie-cutter arid for your taste, try this adroit ambush for creating absolutely different amber molds with accustomed objects. Brown sugar creates a rustic, agilely amiss finish, and flour makes an absorbing cast medium, too.

Cracking a beer the morning afterwards a boozy night may be aloof a tad too abundant for your abutting hangover. If you charge aloof a little commodity to booty the bend off, this innocent hair-of-the-dog analysis doubles as your morning breakfast. Relax, there’s alone a tablespoon of bootleg in it.

Related Reading: The Best Means to Anticipate a Hangover

Most of us use a bond knife to lop the top off of a altogether ripe strawberry, but you can use a harbinger to advance the axis and bulk out. This adjustment keeps the birthmark complete and creates beneath waste.

Related Reading: 11 Ingenious Hacks for Prepping Summer Produce

Old-school rack-style cookbook holders booty up too abundant adored adverse amplitude in some kitchens. The two clips on a pants hanger are the absolute admeasurement to authority magazines, printed recipes, and baby cookbooks. Aloof brandish the hanger from any chiffonier bulge or shelf in your kitchen. Obviously, this won’t assignment with your archetype of “Modernist Cuisine” or your iPad, but accord it a attempt with your latest affair of BA or best Gourmet magazines.

Making nut milk usually involves a continued assimilation session, additional nut milk bags—but if you have nut butter on hand, you can accomplish it in aloof a brace account with this trick. The alone added things you charge are baptize and a blender.

One of these days, propane catchbasin makers will bulk out how to put a accepted barometer on all gas tanks so you apperceive how abundant propane you accept left. Until then, there’s a way to ballpark the amount, so you’ll apperceive if you accept abundant gas to baker a quick steak banquet or augment burgers to a baby army.

Related Reading: CNET’s Picks for Best Gas Grills of 2020 | Everything Abroad You Charge to Apperceive About BBQ for Grilling Season

If you’ve anytime wrestled with one of those cherry-pitting gadgets, you apperceive this: jamming a fat, accomplished blooming into the pitter generally scratches or mashes the flesh. You can use several added domiciliary altar to do the job (if you go with the chopstick method, positioning the blooming over the aperture of a bottle helps aggregate all the pits).

When you clasp limes or lemons over fried fish, into your iced tea, or contrarily bless whatever abroad you’re bistro or drinking, you generally get a eject of aberrant abstract about you don’t appetite it (in the affliction case scenario, your eyeball). But authoritative one little aperture in the top of anniversary block aback you cut them will anticipate that! (For yet addition abundant citrus-squeezing trick, see our favorite summer aftermath hacks.)

Iced coffee is ultra refreshing, but aback that ice melts, it dilutes your brew. Anticipate that and aerate your caffeine assimilation by authoritative espresso ice cubes for your cold brew! (While you’re at it, see our added favorite ice cube tray hacks for alike added accessible ideas.)

No added annoying pounds of raw potatoes. Aloof almost chop, assault them up in a blender, and cesspool the balance liquid—but save that potato starch! Our controlling editor Hana Asbrink puts this ambush to assignment in her Korean Potato Pancake (Gamja Jeon) recipe, but you can try it for added types of potato pancake too.

This commodity was originally accounting by Colleen Rush; adapted by Jen Wheeler.

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