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The name Slim McGinn is anon apparent to best Milwaukeeans, acknowledgment to the three bar/restaurants that accept borne the name of this longtime Brew City figure.

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In mid-August, McGinn, a Wauwatosa native, afraid up his apron, closing his aftermost restaurant – amid in Brookfield (another on Bluemound Road bears his name but has not been his for 13 years now) – and absitively to retire.

The above McGinn's in Brookfield bound reopened beneath new affairs as Bobby's Bar.

Having started in the bar business while a apprentice at Marquette University in the mid-1970s, McGinn has apparent a lot of changes and he’s spent abounding continued canicule managing staff, affairs supplies, affable in the kitchen and cloudburst pints abaft the bar.

As best publicans will acquaint you, the best allotment of the job is the people. And, for McGinn, that includes the abounding bodies that formed for him and agitated acquaint abstruse to their own places.

Franky Creed and Slim McGinn. (PHOTO: Slim McGinn)

Among them, he names Sarah Jonas of Cafe Lulu; Jeff Dobbe and Marty Wey, who own and accomplish McGinn’s on Bluemound; Franky Creed who owns The Newport and Creed’s Foggy Dew; Brian Cummings at the Country Club; Linda Sackett of O’Lydia’s; Dan Della of the Social House; Jeff Jackson who runs the ECR Pub in Belmont, California; and Shelley Sincere and KC Swan, the bedmate and wife aggregation (they met at Slim’s!) that own the Swinging Door Exchange.

For years, McGinn and his wife, Jane Fox, accept led bi-annual pub tours of Ireland, which is article he affairs to resume accomplishing already the biking restrictions brought on the communicable are lifted.

We absitively to ask McGinn about his continued career and sat bottomward with him on the patio at the Colectivo on 68th and Wells Street, in a adjacency that’s continued been associated with the McGinn family.

OnMilwaukee: I anticipate it'd be absorbing to allocution about all the altered places you've run, places you've worked, but acquaint me about the accommodation to retire? Why now?

Slim McGinn: Honestly, the agents isn't there anymore. The assignment belief isn't there anymore.

Is it accompanying to the communicable at all?

Oh no, it was alike afore that. I was accessible to go aural the aftermost brace of years. And about what I had done in the accomplished was ... my abode on Bluemound was my additional place. I had two guys that were active it, they bought me out. My abode Downtown, we had a woman appear in and assignment for me for the (State) Fair and said she had formed in a bar and absolutely absent it. So she came, formed for me there. And bought me out there.

I had a woman (Julie Baker) that I formed aback at The Harp in the ‘80s. She started with me at The Harp at 18. I brought her out to McGinn’s on Bluemound, and afresh aback I opened up Brookfield, she came out there. I accepted her to affectionate of booty over and she was affectionate of ailing of it too. She's 25 years in the business.

Jane Fox, Slim McGinn and Julie Baker. (PHOTO: Slim McGinn)

So there was aloof cipher who capital to footfall in? Previously, you consistently had somebody who was there to booty over.

Right. I had accession lined up and so alternating (that fell through). And I did accept a kid in the kitchen that aloof had started with me, and I acquainted he could accept been good. But I was done and that would accept been a three-, four-year process.

Do you accept affairs for the future?

We had aloof bought the State Fair architecture in February afore all this started. I had ahead busy it. We had three stands at the fair and we were activity bottomward to two this year and afresh abutting year would accept been aloof one. I was activity to aggregation up with Lakefront again. I gave up Pabst. So, I was activity to admonition Lakefront this year in the building, and afresh abutting year Lakefront was activity to booty over there so I was aloof activity bottomward to one.

But we accept a home in Pompano Beach, Florida, so we achievement to absorb seven months bottomward there. Find article area I can go bite in. Not accept a anguish in the world. Bite out afterwards.

So you see yourself still alive in some way?

Oh, I accept to. I accept to. I mean, I'm activity crazy already.

How continued has it been? It's been a anniversary and you're activity crazy already?

Less than a week.

What was it like that day to deathwatch up and aloof be like, "I got nothing."

Nothing. Yeah, it acquainted good. It absolutely did feel good. I actually, that day I absolved up to Rocket Baby and best up some aliment and absolved aback here.

Nice. A comfortable life.

Exactly. A nice little walk. That's what I've been doing. I've been walking a lot. After I leave actuality I’m off on a four- or five-miler.

Oh, great. Stay in shape.

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Yeah. Well, get in appearance eventually. That's added like it. (Laughs)

Once you fabricated the announcement, how did bodies react?

A lot of additional and minus. Sad, I was going, but it's good. A lot of bodies were blessed for me. My wife is the artist of the two of us. I'm the artisan bee and she's got the brains. So she decided, "Hey, we should advertise this appropriate away."

So, a lot of bodies alike in this communicable age capital to appear out. One guy said, "Oh, you're activity to accept a big affair that aftermost day?" I said, "That's not the way that things go appropriate now."

It was nice to see people. I had had one adult that came in; I acclimated to buy meat from her father, and I did a lot of parties and he did a lot of assignment with me. Never had met his daughter. She came in, her dad has passed, to aloof say, "Hey, my dad admired you." It's actuality like that.

The accomplished aftermost anniversary it was appealing intense. My wife went up to Door County with her family, they go every year, and she came in on Friday and Saturday. She said, "This is exhausting, adage goodbye to all these people." I said, "You aloof got aback aftermost night at four o'clock. I've been accomplishing it all anniversary long."

It's asperous hours for anybody, right, in the business?

Yeah, but I didn't apperception the hours. We were bankrupt Mondays. Mondays was my admired time. I could go in and plan out the card for the anniversary and alpha accomplishing some affable and get my account activity and so forth. But you get to be this age is, everything's online and the critics online. You accept no response. You can acknowledge to them, but...

Doesn't get you anywhere.

Right. Sometimes it does. But a lot of times it doesn't. In the old canicule accession complained, you took affliction of them.

Now they don’t say annihilation but go out to the car and column an affronted Yelp review.

Right, exactly.

So acquaint me about how you got into the business?

I was activity to Marquette University and I was there in the mid-’70s aback they won it all (the NCAA basketball title, 1977) and everything. And January of my apprentice year, I started at the Avalanche, as a bartender.

Were they accomplishing the beer accelerate then?

No. This is way beforehand than that. I wasn't abundant of a student. I absolutely didn't apperceive what I capital to do. I'm the youngest of six. I accept bristles earlier siblings. Four earlier brothers went to Marquette High. I went to Marquette High. I had bristles earlier ancestors who went to college. I went to college.

Well, they were a doctor, lawyer, dentist. They're all actual acknowledged people. And my mother was my influence. She could bandy a party. There were 29 grandchildren from my grandfathering and every Sunday we went to the acreage we had up in Mequon and there'd be 50, 60 bodies and she'd augment them all.

I affectionate of abstruse that from her and, hell, I'm alive and my accompany are advancing in and I'm partying with my friends. It was a acceptable life.

You say your ancestors were all successful, but you're successful, too, clearly.

Well, I am, I am.

Did your mom and dad see it that way?

Oh, my mother did; my dad absolutely did not.

So, I aloof went on from there aback I accelerating Marquette my mother absorbed me up with a admirer by the name of Mr. Parker. He was the GM out at Bluemound Country Club, because she capital me to abide on to auberge and restaurant management. And he appropriate don't bother. "You go out and assignment about for nine months, learn. Go to accession place, learn. You're accepting paid for it. You're acquirements at their expense."

It was the best admonition I anytime got. So, from ‘78 to, I anticipate I started at The Harp in ‘85, that's what I did. For seven years I apparently formed at 10, 12 altered spots.

Were they all in Milwaukee?

I confused to California for three months and didn't affliction for it. So I came back, I formed for Saz, I formed for Derry (Hegarty), I formed at a abode alleged The Manor House, which is now alleged McGinn’s (on Bluemound). I had a abode at 65th and Greenfield. At one point, I busy the kitchen up at the old John Doe’s, which is now O'Brien's.

So that's what I did. And afresh I concluded up at The Harp for apparently eight years, and I bought the old Smuggler's in ‘95.

Was it bankrupt at that point or...

No. Johnny V(assallo) endemic it, actually. He bought it and ran it for a little while and John consistently had bigger ambitions. So, afresh he busy it out. I looked at it to buy. He capital too abundant money, so he busy it out to a brace who lasted six, seven months. And afresh he alleged me and we acclimatized on a price. I opened there in June of ‘95.

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How continued was it until, so afresh you ran that abode alone until you opened on Bluemound?

In ‘98. I gutted Slim's Downtown, on aboriginal and Florida the anniversary that we were aperture this. So I could booty my accomplished agents out actuality and accessible that up. Afresh got into the Slimousines with the buses and that helped drive business terrifically.

So afresh aback did you close, aback did you advertise to Linda Sackett, in Walker’s Point?

In 2007, I awash Bluemound, and afresh in 2011 I awash to Linda.

I accept to say, Bluemound is my go-to wings place.

Oh yeah. Major Goolsby’s had consistently been my admired wings, and Marty (Wey) formed with Goolsby’s for years. I assassin Marty. I anticipate he had aloof larboard Goolsby’s. He and the buyer had a little falling out. He is now one of the owners (on Bluemound).

And so afresh you array of leapfrogged your way out west.

I was Downtown and everybody's saying, "Oh, we absolutely charge article like this out there. We absolutely charge article like this." And so that's, I knew the guy out there was in trouble.

What had that abode been?

George Wilson's Meadow Inn. And he opened up accession place, not too far abroad from him, a pizza place.

So afresh Walker’s Point bankrupt in 2011 and Brookfield opened in 2008. Is that right?

Yeah. March of 2008.

So afresh aback 2011 you were active alone that. Was that array of absolution to you to not accept two places?

Oh, absolutely, it was. And again, apparently my better botheration out there was award help. Acceptable help. You're not on a bus line. Bodies can't get out to you and so forth.

Presumably bodies who alive out there are not attractive for that affectionate of job.

No. Exactly.

But business charge accept been good. You were there 12 years, right?

Yeah, it was a acceptable business. Actual acceptable business. Fabricated best January through April: NCAA, Friday angle fry during Lent, St. Patrick's Day.

Right. I apprehend that's a big one.

(Laughs) Yeah. Derry consistently said, "If St. Patrick's Day were already a ages I'd alone be accessible 12 canicule a year."

Did you accept a favorite? Was there one that you consistently array of acquainted a appropriate amore for?

There was article about the adorableness of the one (in Walker’s Point). I mean, that was a Pabst-built bar. In 1905, I anticipate it was.

Had that abundant little patio in the back. I bethink seeing the R&B Cadets there aback it was Smuggler's, apparently 1985-86. The alternation advancing by while they were playing. You could see their aperture and easily affective but you couldn’t apprehend a thing. (Laughs)

We had some weddings, too, and you couldn't apprehend them. We had one bells aback that alternation came by and the adjudicator chock-full and ... oh, absolutely it might've been my bells (laughs), now that I anticipate about it. It was my cousin, (Judge) Chris Foley was accomplishing it. I said, "Just accumulate going, Chris." He says, "No, no, no. I can't. Because you could say you didn't apprehend me, and then, you could get an annulment." I was like, "Okay, whatever." (Laughs)

Yeah, the adorableness of that one, the patio at that one. It was my aboriginal and aloof as a aboriginal adulation there is article about it you analyze aggregate else, too. Apparently had the best fun and fabricated the best money of my career there, but those were the canicule you’d do 30 percent aliment and 70 percent bar.

The agents was exceptional, formed able-bodied together; an admiral affair allowance and huge patio.

59th and Bluemound is area I met my wife. Annihilation abroad can analyze to this. After actuality a available for 53 years I met the women of my dreams. She abutting me in the business and helped booty it to the abutting level.

Bluemound had the ballpark. This was additionally the alpha of the Slimousines which brought the Brewers acquaintance to a college level. Your summertime is your apathetic time unless you've got this big, attractive patio. Downtown additionally had all the festivals. You shuttle bodies to that.

Slim's West, it had consistently been a dream to body one from the arena up and this is the closet I got to this by gutting and abacus an accession with a absolute remodel. This is additionally area I absolutely began to drag my affable skills.

But I did attempt out there in the summers.

In Brookfield?

Yeah. Aback I adapted in ‘09. I put a accouter up on the additional floor. Well, they wouldn't let me accessible it, 12 years and a communicable after and they let me accessible it. And it just, it collection business to aback area it was.

It was acceptable of Brookfield to assignment with me on that. And the guy alike said, "Come see me this winter and we'll amount article out." It was all about parking.

Did you own that building?

Yeah, I endemic them all. That was affectionate of my 401(k). How I awash O'Lydia's, she bought the business with the advantage to buy the building.

And did she anytime buy the building?

Just in May. So now again, I'm the coffer for her. I'm the loaner.

Oh, so it's a acreage contract.

Yeah. And that's how I'm accomplishing that out there (in Brookfield), also.

What about Bluemound?

No, I just, they aloof bought that lot. Lock banal and barrel.

So what was your admired allotment of the business?

In the beginning, honestly, it was the people, the partying and so forth. But afresh I affectionate of begin out that it was the cooking, the food. Aback in the day, all you had to do is accessible a bar and the bodies came in.

But afresh added and added places opened and we had to get added artistic with food. My wife and I catholic a lot. I'd consistently say to her, "I'm burglary that off the card that was fabulous." And afresh put your own aberration on it. At the end, that's what I really, absolutely loved. Yeah. I'm activity to absence that absolutely a bit.

What's the one affair you're not activity to miss?

The headaches from again, like I said, the online comments.

My aftermost night I bet 18 of my old advisers came in to say goodbye. Which really, absolutely I was shocked. It meant a lot to me. It was absolutely good.

McGinn and his wife Jane. (PHOTO: Slim McGinn)

So, aback do you arch to Florida this year?

My wife hates blow division bottomward there, so mid-to-late October.

And no point in abrogation now.

Oh, it's attractive actuality (right now).

Do you accept hobbies? Do you angle or something?

No, I don't fish. Actually, walking is a amusement of mine. Aback I go to Florida for a anniversary or two weeks, every day I'm out. There's a bar or two abutting to home that I'll stop and accept one in, shoot the sh*t with the people, that affectionate of stuff.

How continued accept you been activity bottomward there?

My parents had a abode for 30 years in Fort Lauderdale, and afresh my uncle, who anesthetized abroad two years ago, had one aloof arctic of Fort Lauderdale. We bought in Pompano, which was three and a bisected afar from him. My wife and him got to be actual close. She spent a lot of the winters bottomward there.

It's actually a additional home by now.

Yeah, it is. It absolutely is.

Well, that's great. Congratulations.

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Thank you.

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