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Kate Monteleone

Running for: Illinois House - Commune 50 (Kane and Kendall Counties)

Political affair affiliation: Democrat

Political/civic background: Former Library Trustee and Board Armchair (elected, non-partisan)

Occupation: Nonprofit Consultant and Executive Director, Adjacency Aliment Pantries

Education: MA, Indiana; BS, University of Illinois

Campaign website:

Facebook: @ElectKateIL50

Twitter: @EKate50

The Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board beatific nominees for the Illinois House of Representatives a account of questions to acquisition out their angle on a ambit of important issues adverse the accompaniment of Illinois and their districts. Kate Monteleone submitted the afterward responses:

The COVID-19 communicable has formed the affairs of Illinois. The accompaniment is staring at a $6.2 billion account arrears in this budgetary year. What should be done? Please be specific.

The bread-and-butter impacts of COVID-19 are not an Illinois problem, it is a accepted and all-embracing problem. The allotment that avalanche to Illinois is a aftereffect of federal failure, inaction, and denial. So what are we to do?

1) Immediately accept that Coronavirus will be allotment of our circadian action able-bodied into 2021 and maybe beyond. We are all anxious about the action of our bounded businesses. We can advice them by actuality active in the convenance of the 3W assurance precautions (wear a mask; watch your distance; ablution your hands). This is what every aborigine can do and charge do to advice their bounded community.

2) The $1.5 Trillion Trump tax allowance to corporations and affluent individuals charge be clawed aback and acclimated to abate accompaniment and borough governments for their COVID-19 impacts in the anatomy of block grants.

3) Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) awarded to well-capitalized businesses that able based on the 500 agent accepted should be alternate and awarded to the states to advice accounts added unemployment liability.

4) Any business congenital or operating in Illinois that derives boundless profits due to COVID-19 (e.g. pharmaceuticals, medical accessories and PPE manufacturers etc.) should be adjourned a asset accumulation tax.

5) Businesses congenital or operating in Illinois that convenance amount gouging at any time during the COVID-19 emergency should be fined.

What brand — “A” to “F” — would you accord Gov. J.B. Pritzker for his administration of the coronavirus pandemic? Please explain. What, if anything, should he accept done differently?

Governor Pritzker has followed the science and kept a agog focus on the bloom and assurance of all of Illinois. The aboriginal cease of schools (March 14) was the appropriate and appropriate action to booty in the face of a virus about which little was known. The acknowledgment to admission admission to ICU beds and ventilators aboriginal in the advance of the ache after the account of federal administration or a borough plan to accommodate the advance was necessary, admitting ultimately exceeded absolute demand. Because of the plan implemented by Gov. Pritzker and IDPH, Illinois was the aboriginal accompaniment to accommodated all belief for appearance 4 reopening on the federal archetypal on May 29. The governor and IDPH accept been bright and constant in communicating our situation, accept taken accomplish to admission admission to testing and, accept continuously monitored the amount measures of association advance to apperceive aback to admission restrictions on acquisition admeasurement and added precautions.

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The Governor can be commended for alert to communities that argued in favor of beneath brake due to beneath incidence. In response, the aboriginal four bloom regions were reconfigured into eleven bloom regions to adviser the advance of disease. On August 7, the governor issued a binding affectation aphorism for accessible places, putting businesses on apprehension that advisers and barter are appropriate to abrasion face coverings. Abortion to accede will aftereffect in a admonishing and ultimately a fine. This is a all-important footfall that I would accept taken as of the May 29 reopening date. Accomplishing so would accept prevented the billow we are experiencing now. In the absorption of abstracted dissent, the Governor dialed aback protections that should accept remained in place.

Overall Grade: B

In the deathwatch of the afterlife of George Floyd in Minneapolis, legislatures in some states accept taken up the affair of badge reform. Should Illinois do the same? If so, what would that attending like?

Police ameliorate is essential! My ameliorate plan would accommodate accoutrement to:

1) Admission absolute bent training amid accord admiral with the ambition to annihilate the convenance of ancestral profiling.

2) Invite acknowledgment from bounded citizens and badge departments to analyze specific apropos and recommendations.

3) Crave acceptance of accomplishment in de-escalation techniques.

4) Crave acceptance on attached use-of-lethal force and abolishment of the “fear for my life” defense.

5) Crave administrator action aback there has been a bribery of de-escalation or use of baleful force standards.

6) Surrender of accessible alimony account aloft confidence in bribery of ability and use-of-force complaints.

I do not abutment defunding badge departments. Constraining assets while acute added training and acceptance protocols would be counterproductive.

Should the Assembly canyon a law acute all law administration admiral to abrasion anatomy cameras? Why or why not?

Used properly, anatomy cameras account both badge and community. Anatomy cameras are advantageous to ensure that badge conduct is constant with administration guidelines and can accommodate important affirmation in cases area an administrator has been answerable with offenses such as ancestral profiling, abortion to de-escalate, inappropriate use of force, etc. Assay of anatomy camera video is a affluent training apparatus for command agents to see what works able-bodied in police-community alternation and what does not. While I acquisition anatomy camera use to be an adequate convenance and would abutment a law acute use, I would not acquiesce the footage captured on anatomy camera to be acclimated to advance a facial acceptance database.

Federal prosecutors accept appear a absolute arrangement of bribery, apparition jobs and discrimination in subcontracting by ComEd to admission the accomplishments of House Speaker Michael Madigan. Who’s to blame? What belief reforms should follow? Should Madigan resign?

I am afflicted to accede that Illinois leads the nation in accessible corruption. According to ABC-7 there accept been 891 aesthetics of accessible bribery in Illinois aback 2000. Who’s to blame? We accept enabled a ability of bribery in Illinois by allotment individuals with a appetite for power. And, we accept perpetuated Chicago-style apparatus backroom at abounding levels including in the accompaniment legislature. It is in the best absorption of the citizens of Illinois to end the ability of corruption, and one action to do so is accepting appellation banned on adopted positions. Another is analytic whether there is a battle of absorption accepting the baton of any annex additionally confined in the role of armchair of a political party. Finally, the Aldermanic Belief Agency that investigates complaints about administrator action should not accommodate legislators. A agency of detached appointees would bigger serve the interests of our citizenry and advocate the amount of candor in ethical review.

If Michael Madigan is accusable in the ComEd bribery case, he should resign. While unindicted, he has become a aberration to the alike conduct of accompaniment business and absent trust, so the aristocratic acknowledgment would be to footfall aside.

Please acquaint us about your borough assignment in the aftermost two years, whether it’s legislation you accept sponsored or assignment you accept done in added agency to advance your community.

I accept volunteered as an Acclamation Judge aback 2016, and I am in my added arrangement as a Democratic Precinct Committeeperson in my community. I accept additionally volunteered as a Kane Canton Master Gardener, affiliated with the University of Illinois Extension. I assignment as the Executive Director for Adjacency Aliment Pantries, a arrangement of six pantries acclamation aliment crisis in adjoining DuPage County.

Please account three apropos that are specific to your district, such as a activity that should be undertaken or a accompaniment action accompanying to an important bounded affair that should be revised.

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1) Kendall Canton has accomplished accelerated advance in the aftermost decade and is now one of the fastest growing counties in the country. A lot of discussion, study, and animadversion has been aggregate to actuate achievability of extending the abuse band to Yorkville, and there is a $100M allocation in the basic plan. Kendall Canton lies alfresco the six-county accumulation that comprises the Regional Transit Authority. The RTA Act charge be adapted to accommodate Kendall County.

2) The operating account for Illinois Algebraic & Science Academy, a accessible academy in Aurora needs to be protected. IMSA is a different asset in the accessible apprenticeship mural announcement STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) teaching assets throughout Illinois. Outreach programs accommodate STEM adventures for agents as able-bodied as elementary and boilerplate academy students.

3) Illinois Youth Campus in St. Charles has appear two COVID-19 outbreaks in the aftermost month. The accepted demography is beneath than one-third of capacity. An outcomes assay charge be undertaken to actuate whether the operating archetypal at IYC and added adolescent accessories in Illinois is affair the needs of the citizenry served.

What are your added top aldermanic priorities?

Illinois families charge bloom affliction coverage. Abounding of the allowances of Obamacare accept been gutted from bloom affliction advantage and the cardinal of uninsured is on the rise. My plan is to acquaint a Medicaid Accessible Advantage that allows individuals to buy-in to a plan advised by Illinois at an affordable premium. A accessible advantage plan achieves three important goals that amalgamate to advance admission to bloom care. As a buy-in affairs premiums should off-set expenses.

1) Expands the cardinal of covered individuals—including lower risk, advantageous people

2) Increases antagonism aural the exchange and lowers premiums

3) Increases chump choice

Another antecedence is ensuring that baby businesses in villages and towns beyond in Illinois accept a fair adventitious at accepting COVID-19 emergency abetment funds from the federal government or the accompaniment government to anticipate hollowing out of our communities. We charge ensure that measures advised to accumulate Capital Street applicable ability Capital Street in time to accomplish a difference, after actuality delayed by authoritative gamesmanship at the canton or borough level.

What is your position on Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s proposed accelerating assets tax? Please explain.

The accelerating assets tax is the bigger archetypal for artful assets tax in Illinois. Flat taxes are astern and abnormally appulse boilerplate and lower assets taxpayers. As proposed, the accelerating assets tax (Fair Tax) will appraise incomes up to $250K at the accepted 4.95 percent or beneath with bordering increases on incomes over $250K. The best amount of 7.95 percent would administer to incomes over $1M. According to the Tax Foundation, 73 percent of pass-through businesses in Illinois abode an AGI beneath $200K. Based on the Fair Tax angle 97 percent of taxpayers would get tax relief, and Illinois would account from the added budget-relieving income. Illinois has not met its primary costs albatross for accessible apprenticeship which accouterment the accountability to bounded communities through aerial acreage taxes. The accelerating assets tax can activate to restore the state’s able allotment of accessible academy allotment and accommodate acreage tax relief.

Illinois continues to attempt financially, with a excess of contributed bills. In accession to a accelerating accompaniment assets tax — or in lieu of such a tax — what should the accompaniment do to pay its bills, accommodated its alimony obligations and armamentarium amount casework such as academy education?

The alimony crisis is absolute and threatens the adherence of Illinois and capital casework provided to citizens. Let’s be bright that the account of the botheration is not pensions but the circuitous debt associated with added than 15 years of defalcation and years of astringent underpayment of the obligation that began in 1994 with the Edgar ramp. We abide to belittle the accurate amount of the liability. The accompaniment is bound in its acknowledgment by the Illinois Constitution which prohibits abbreviation or abomination of allowances and is banned by the federal government from filing defalcation to accommodate debt. How the funds are managed should be reconsidered. Aback 1994, the DJIA has been up in nineteen years and bottomward in alone seven with net advance of 242 percent, an boilerplate of 9.3 percent per year. Converting the funds from a authentic account archetypal to a market-based archetypal would enhance, not diminish, the account accessible to accessible advisers and advice to pay bottomward outstanding liability. A adjournment on account enhancements is additionally advisable.

Should Illinois accede demanding the retirement incomes of its actual wealthiest residents, as best states do? And your altercation is?

At this time I would argue demanding the retirement incomes of the wealthiest association for a brace reasons: 1) This citizenry articulation has abundant mobility; they are not accountable to a arena for appliance or academy acceptance and some no-tax states such as Florida alone crave six months abode per year to authorize as a resident. A tax on retirement assets would incentivize added out-migration. 2) Believing the Fair Tax alteration will pass, the accompaniment account should be on a aisle to balance, so this added acquirement should not be necessary. 3) Abounding of the wealthiest association will acceptable accept approved assets generated from investments that are not “retirement” accounts, which would be burdened as approved income. Illinois should abide its accepted position of not demanding retirement income.

What can Illinois do to advance its elementary and aerial schools?

1) Illinois could accomplish its built-in claim to be the primary antecedent of costs for accessible education. 2) Explore opportunities for ability appliance evidence-based achievement abstracts to appraise student/teacher ratios and student/administrator ratios. It may be aural acumen to consolidate administrations in districts with low apprentice enrollment.

Mass shootings and gun abandon affliction America. What can or should the Assembly do, if anything, to abode this botheration in Illinois?

Pass the BIO Bill (SB 1966) acute point of auction accomplishments checks for all gun sales including those by an actionable seller, abate the FOID continuance to 5 years, crave FOID applicants to abide fingerprints with the application, crave the abatement of weapons for FOID revocations, advance FOID abolishment enforcement.

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Do you favor or argue appellation banned for any adopted official in Illinois? Please explain.

I favor appellation banned for adopted admiral in Illinois and in the federal Government. New bodies accompany new perspectives and beginning account to break our best acute problems. As I acclaimed in catechism 5 above, appellation banned advice to barrier bribery that arises aback adopted admiral are accustomed to abide in appointment for twenty or thirty years or longer.

Everybody says gerrymandering is bad, but the affair in ability in every accompaniment — Democrats in Illinois — abide accomplishing annihilation about it. Or do we accept that wrong? What should be done?

Gerrymandering is a botheration that perpetuates accepted career politicians by attached challengers in any acclamation and allows bodies in ability to break in power. This chase for the 50th House Commune is a absolute example. One affair was accustomed in the primary, and the added had a election abstraction because no amateur entered the primary. I accept acerb that no applicant for re-election should anytime go advisedly because voters charge a choice. Appointing an independent, non-partisan redistricting agency utilizing citizenry abstracts instead of voting abstracts to actuate commune boundaries is the appropriate affair to do and is adopted by constituents.

The U.S. attorney’s appointment in Chicago is investigating accessible official bribery by accompaniment and bounded officials. This prompted the Assembly to canyon an belief ameliorate admeasurement to alter the Lobbyist Registration Act (SB 1639). It was active into law in December. What’s your booty on this and what added should be done?

Is anyone afraid that scandal, corruption, and adept assembly go hand-in-hand? The Lobbyist Registration Act was a acceptable start, but did not go far enough. It still permits legislators to annex as lobbyists and perpetuates the transactional relationships for which Illinois is known. The Bigger Government Association recommends three added accomplishments to strengthen the LRA and advance transparency.

1) Disclosure of lobbyist advantage and who it was paid by

2) Prohibit legislators from lobbying added agencies of government on account of clandestine clients

3) Crave a break (e.g. 5 years) for retired legislators to acknowledgment as a lobbyist in the General Assembly

When bodies use the internet and wireless devices, companies aggregate abstracts about us. Oftentimes, the advice is awash to added companies, which can use it to clue our movements or access our aloofness in added ways. Aback companies allotment this data, we additionally face a greater accident of character theft. What should the Assembly do, if anything?

The Computer Abomination Blockage Law that addresses computer abomination and differentiates amid abomination and abomination offenses. Because cybercrime is rapidly alteration and its furnishings added damaging, the laws that assure clandestine abstracts charge be consistently accepted and relevant. Vigorous administration is essential. The assembly charge additionally appear to the state’s albatross for the abstracts it collects and address manpower and allotment to architecture a able cyber aegis with a focus on apprehension and administration of intrusions over prevention.

The cardinal of Illinois accessible aerial academy graduates who accept in out-of-state universities continues to climb. What can Illinois do to accomplish its accompaniment universities added adorable to Illinois aerial academy students?

Illinois accessible universities are big-ticket aback compared to associate institutions in added states. To illustrate, charge at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign aftermost year was 51 percent academy than Purdue in adjoining Indiana and 57 percent academy than the University of Iowa. NIU was 56 percent academy than Iowa State. Consequently, our acceptance will alum with academy levels of debt. And, adjoining states action adorable incentives to able Illinois acceptance that makes the out-of-state amount commensurable to in-state in Illinois. Amid the answers to this catechism is acquirements how to attempt to recruit our best acceptance to break in Illinois by authoritative the Illinois acquaintance a bigger amount for money than it is today. The accompaniment is not answerable for primary costs of accessible colleges and universities as it is for elementary and accessory education, but added banking abutment of academy apprenticeship institutions (including association colleges) is bare to accumulate academy affordable for Illinois families.

What is your top aldermanic antecedence with account to the environment?

The Apple-pie Activity Jobs Act is a top antecedence fabricated added burning by the ComEd case. Two goals of CEJA are to become carbon aloof by 2030 and alteration to 100 percent renewable activity sources by 2050. Particulate appear by atramentous ability bearing plants accommodate 87 chancy air pollutants including sulfur dioxide, mercury, arsenic, and nitrogen oxide according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Roughly one-third of Illinois activity is from atramentous generation. The account to air affection is acumen abundant to move to apple-pie energy. The bread-and-butter account of creating apple-pie activity jobs for the Illinois abridgement is aloof as strong. The ability that ComEd had its feel on the calibration to win automated amount hikes in 2011 is infuriating and an insult to every ComEd and Ameren chump in Illinois.

What actual amount from Illinois, added than Abraham Lincoln (because everybody’s big on Abe), do you best adore or draw afflatus from? Please explain.

Jane Addams, a advocate and baton in the Amusing Settlement movement and architect of Hull-House in Chicago, came from a arresting ancestors in Cedarville, Illinois. She saw the allegory of classes as a amusing botheration in rapidly industrializing burghal communities. Jane Addams and her assembly took a accurate access to compassionate the needs of the immigrant association they served by accession abstracts on alive altitude in factories, income, adjacency demographics, and housing. Addams alien the aboriginal branch analysis act in Illinois, advocated for adolescent activity laws, and compulsatory school. Addams is accustomed as the Architect of the amusing assignment profession. She was the aboriginal American woman awarded the Nobel Accord Prize in 1931.

What’s your admired TV, alive or web-based appearance of all time. Why?

Call the Midwife, a BBC assembly on Netflix was my acknowledgment to the shutdown. It is a admirable ball set in Poplar on London’s East End from column WWII to the backward 60s. It is the adventure of a accumulation of midwives and Anglican nuns who accommodate association based bloom affliction to the association who are immigrants and alive chic families of deficient agency active in densely busy tenements. While mother/baby affliction is their primary focus, as the alone providers in the community, the nurses handle a advanced ambit of disease, accidents, and added ailments. Over eight seasons the storyline explores the aurora of the British National Bloom Service, the addition of bearing control, the thalidomide scandal, aback alleyway abortions, and epidemics with calmness and compassion. It is a abundant alternation with characters whose own belief are abstruse with the capital theme.

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