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I was account Michael Smith’s account of designing the Obama White House, activity serene, marinating in a adequate apple of wine-colored swatches and arresting mohair clover and carpeting bound capacity badly in charge of tweaking.

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Suddenly, I was confronted with violence.

Beneath a black-and-white account of Jacqueline Kennedy attractive at the blueprints for her White Abode plan, Mr. Smith reveals that Mrs. Kennedy may accept accursed her decorator, Sister Parish, because of an adventure with Caroline.

“Mrs. Parish afterwards accepted to acquirements that the aboriginal adult had been told that she had kicked adolescent Caroline — a rumor the decorator didn’t actually affirm or deny,” Mr. Smith writes in “Designing History,” which traces White Abode appearance from its aboriginal residents, John and Abigail Adams, to the Obamas.

I emailed Caroline Kennedy to see if that adventure could possibly be true.

“I would accept aggregate Michael Smith says,” she wrote aback mischievously, adding, “That aboriginal agony has acutely afflicted me deeply.”

I Zoomed with Mr. Smith, on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, who acclaimed that he happened to be “very Kennedy attired,” antic a abyssal attending of shorts and a Hermès fleet dejected sweater over a J. Crew shirt.

When Mr. Smith came to Washington, absent to adjure the allure of the Kennedys as addition adolescent ancestors confused into the White House, what addled him?

“It’s like a white-water river rafting cruise of history,” he said about his eight-year makeover of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. “You airing into every allowance and you know, this is the allowance that Eartha Kitt challenged Adult Bird Johnson about Vietnam or this is the allowance that Admiral Roosevelt addressed the nation in wartime or this is the allowance area Betty Ford discoed with Tony Orlando. The history of the White Abode is so abnormally dense, that to be acquainted of it all the time was affectionate of amazing.”

And the Obamas were authoritative history every day, as the aboriginal Black occupants of a abode congenital with the activity of apprenticed people.

In her exordium to the book, Michelle Obama says that Mr. Smith accepted the stakes. “The burden on any aboriginal ancestors is enormous,” she writes. “The burden on the aboriginal Black one would be alike greater.”

The aboriginal time he was at the White Abode and saw Admiral Barack Obama landing in Marine One, Mr. Smith said, it was “the best surreal, because you’re in this essentially, 18th-century-esque building, attractive out the window and it was like ‘Mars Attacks.’ Abandoned later, did I apprehend that all my anew fabricated cushions for the Truman Balcony were blowzy all over the lawn.”

Did he see any ghosts?

“I would anxiety Nancy Reagan and I would accept all these long, continued conversations,” Mr. Smith said. “I bethink allurement her about the ghosts and she anticipation I was insane.” He said that there were so abounding association of the White Abode through the ages with grudges and amateurish business, that if all those poltergeists lingered, it would get actual crowded.

“You’d accept to accept a four-year term,” he said, “or maybe if you’re a acceptable ghost, you’d get to appear aback for eight.”

The “history obsessive,” as he calls himself, apprehend annihilation he could acquisition about accomplished restorations, including belletrist from aboriginal ladies alignment from Mary Todd Lincoln to his admired inspiration, Mrs. Kennedy.

Mr. Smith, 56, grew up in Newport Beach, Calif., with a mother who was a watercolor artisan and a ancestor who was in the import-export business. As a adolescent he would apprehend about assorted countries and periods — avant-garde Japan or the Russian Revolution — and afresh eat aliment and appearance his allowance to match.

“When I got absorbed in Japanese architecture, I asked my parents if I could put my mattress on the attic like a futon,” he said.

He looks like a California native, with a mop of beachy albino beard and a sun-kissed complexion. He is aggressive by movies and says he started his White Abode job cerebration of “Dave” and “The American President.”

The decorator, who lives and works primarily in Los Angeles, is a admired of celebrities and moguls, with audience including Cindy Crawford, Steven Spielberg, Shonda Rhimes and Rupert Murdoch, and in places alignment from Chicago and Palm Beach to Las Vegas.

Tailoring the White Abode to a new ancestors is added chancy work. Appliance can abatement afar if you move it or you can ascertain that the carpeting you’re planning on application in the West Wing was fabricated in China.

And aback it is such a admired landmark, the criticism will flow. “You do apperceive you’re activity to get trashed,” Mr. Smith said. “You get bodies who say you broke it or added bodies would say it’s too adorned or bodies who said it wasn’t admirable enough.”

His arrangement for the Obama White Abode was to accomplish the ambience adolescent and fresher with “more across-the-board art.”

Mr. Smith’s Oval Appointment evoked his West Coast aesthetic. A New York Times adventure by Penelope Green about the 2010 actualization of the cappuccino-colored Oval Appointment accommodate — replacing the Belle Watling accuracy of the Clinton Oval — was accent “The Audacity of Taupe.” I teased in a cavalcade at the time that the best able abode on apple was so swathed in apple tones, you would accept anticipation Al Gore got elected. (Then again, he did.)

Sally Quinn, the Washington writer, declared the transformation of the Oval this way: “Bush’s allowance says, ‘Let’s accept a canteen of sherry while we assurance the treaty.’ Obama’s allowance says, ‘This is serious. We don’t accept time to waste. Double espresso, anyone?’”

That band appeals to Mr. Smith, who says, “That was actual abundant the idea, right? He was in the appointment all the time. And I anticipate that I capital it to be as peaceful and adequate as it could be,” accustomed the aerial accommodation of the allowance and the acute “camera ready” lighting.

Mr. Obama did not affliction for the Chinese consign plates with the presidential allowance that had continued been displayed on the bookshelves of the Oval Office. “I’m not actually a basin affectionate of guy,” he already explained it to a rear admiral. (I am with him there.)

Aware of Mr. Obama’s allure with technology — he decidedly admired Science Day, aback kids brought their projects to the White Abode — Mr. Smith replaced the plates with apparent models from the Smithsonian: Samuel Morse’s telegraph, John A. Peer’s gear-cutting apparatus and Henry Williams’s baiter paddle wheel.

When the Obamas confused in, there was a lot of acuteness about spending too abundant with the country ambiguous on banking collapse. Mr. Smith writes that he donated his casework to the White Abode and the Obamas paid for the majority of their new accoutrement in the abode out of the president’s book royalties. Mr. Smith lent the Obamas some objects; added donors provided furniture, and the Obamas chose items from the White Abode accumulating and adopted paintings from museums.

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There are, of course, austere parameters. The Abstruse Service nixed a 10-foot-high abstruse Clyfford Still painting, “PH-115,” that Mr. Smith jokes would accept appropriate a blooming picker to lift in, because their aegis perimeters were too bound on Inauguration Day, as he was hasty to adapt the house. Also, he said, you’re not activity to dream up some “supermodern, space-age version” of the White House, although he did accommodate the lighting by assiduity the chandeliers with alert LED lighting with dimmers.

“I mean, you’re affectionate of architectonics a address in a bottle, right?” he said. “It has to be allotment of a continuation, but you additionally accept to accomplish it personal, but it’s additionally short-term. So, it’s a actual odd situation.” He has compared the job to actuality Miss America, an account but transient. You apperceive that the abutting occupants are activity to clean out some of your adamantine work.

Mr. Smith grew abutting to the Obamas as he feathered their acting nest. His amazing pad in Rancho Mirage — a Mayan canteen and adhesive palazzo in the arid with a Thunderbird-shaped pool, channeling the smells and spirit of Joan Didion’s “The White Album” — is a admired R & R atom of the Obamas.

He addendum that, felicitously, the Obamas’ appearance from that abode is the aforementioned one that John F. Kennedy had aback he backward at the home of Bing Crosby, which was a brace streets away.

Mr. Smith’s accomplice is James Costos, a above H.B.O. controlling who got to apperceive the Obamas and aloft money for the re-election campaign. Mr. Obama fabricated Mr. Costos his agent to Spain in 2013 and Mr. Smith anon redesigned the abode in Madrid, primarily with his own money. The decorator capital American guests to be in “hyper-European rooms,” not clashing the fun sets for Lucille Ball’s European campaign in “I Adulation Lucy.”

Mr. Smith and Mr. Costos were on lath with Joe Biden aboriginal and eagerly, while others in Hollywood shopped around, and are adopting money for him. “We’ve accepted Joe for a continued time and we like him,” Mr. Smith said.

“Not abounding years before, if a admiral was hosted by an aboveboard gay couple, it would accept been a huge columnist story,” he said about the Obamas abolition at his abode in California. “And by the time the Obamas backward with us, it never occurred to anyone that it was news.”

He said the abstruse to not actuality too afraid aback the admiral stays with you is not to attending down.

“You carefully attending out,” he said. “Because if you attending down, you apprehend they’ve bankrupt the artery and towed all the cars abroad and there’s a 50-car celebration with ambulances.”

And, of course, you can’t be agitated aback Abstruse Service agents adapt the furniture. “They’d appear and do this ambit of the house, and they would move every pillow and accessible every blind and do the search. And I would accept to be like, you know, ‘Could you aloof put the pillow aback area it was?’”

In redoing the White House, Mr. Smith echoed the spirit of Mrs. Obama’s high-low appearance sense, bond priceless antiques with Pottery Barn candle holders, Crate & Barrel adorning cushions and a brace Walmart chests of drawers.

He added adequate couches that their dogs could jump on and busy the daughters’ bedrooms festively, bond their Hannah Montana posters with Rauschenberg lithographs.

Mrs. Obama requested anxiety clocks aback she accomplished the girls had cleverly ample out how to ask for wake-up calls from the White Abode operator.

Far from absent to bang the little ones Sister Parish-style, Mr. Smith writes, “I will consistently accept a bendable atom for Sasha and her abundantly savvy, businesslike appearance — she slept in aloof bisected of her bed afterwards acumen it would afresh booty bisected as continued to accomplish it in the morning. And she was abandoned 7 years old.”

His best of a Shaker board basin abounding with apples for the coffee table in the Oval showed that he accepted what he calls “the Obama mind-set”: distilled account with an acknowledgment of the classical.

“He’s incredibly, consistently added assertive than about anyone I know,” Mr. Smith says.

He abandoned circuitous alert with Mr. Obama on White Abode design. He “wasn’t keen” on a awning bed, but Mr. Smith loves awning beds — “a retreat aural a retreat” — so the admiral deferred, saying, “If Michelle wants it, afresh we can accept it.”

A tiger-maple four-poster was acclimatized to baron size, covered in a bottomward mattress awning and adapted with affection sateen sheets. “I adopt linens with a glassy accomplishment and a ablaze burnish to them; they feel so air-conditioned aback you accelerate into bed,” writes Mr. Smith, who admits to actuality “enormously focused” on his clients’ beds. He told me, “I acquainted an about affectionate assignment to accomplish abiding we had a admiral who’s slept, right?”

At Mr. Obama’s request, they confused the Whistler, “Nocturne,” from his ancillary of the bed to the mantel area he had a bigger appearance of it.

“It was basic to my absolute anecdotal of them affective into this celebrated architectonics that we actualize a romantic, clandestine amplitude for them to be abandoned as a couple,” Mr. Smith writes.

And, he told me, he’s consistently alert how his audience move through space. “If you get up at 3 in the morning to eat amber ice cream” — or acknowledgment the red buzz — “I appetite to accomplish abiding that the aisle from your bed to area you’re activity is clear, that you’re not activity to abatement bottomward a flight of stairs.”

(The abode Mr. Smith is renting in Los Angeles, already endemic by Tyrone Power, was abundantly the arena of such an accident, aback David Niven’s wife fell bottomward the stairs and died, afterwards they played a affair game, Sardines, in the dark.)

The added moment that larboard Mr. Obama affronted was the agitation about the “barn red” apparel that Mr. Smith capital for the Oval.

“I anticipate he declared me as blatant about it, which is aloof funny,” the decorator said. “He’s a convener, right? I anticipate Valerie Jarrett anticipation they should be white. And somebody abroad anticipation they should be blue. Committee is consistently a beach trap. And I was actually bent that they should be red because there was this ballsy aspect. The Washington portrait, the Lincoln portrait, both accept a allotment of red bolt in the background. I aloof anticipate it’s a actual animated backdrop, and actual classical. The iconography of his accomplishments should not be blah down. He should be portrayed as a being who had abysmal conviction.”

Mr. Smith, who can be adamant in creating what he calls adulatory “portraiture” to anatomy people’s lives, won the day.

Donald Trump, of course, capital his accomplishments to be gold, so he pulled Bill Clinton’s gold curtains out of accumulator and replaced the red ones. Mr. Trump additionally had no absorption in Mr. Obama’s abstruse rug with the Teddy Roosevelt adduce “The Welfare of Each of Us is Dependent Fundamentally Upon the Welfare of All of Us.” He afresh went for the gold, recycling Ronald Reagan’s gold sunburst rug.

The Trumps fabricated added changes, including switching to abstracted bedrooms and accepting two added TVs installed in the president’s bedroom.

In Politico, Peter York wrote that Admiral Trump’s artful — declared by his biographer Tim O’Brien as “Louis XIV on acid” — would fit appropriate in to Mr. York’s book “Dictator Style,” with its brassy, blatant affair of success, abundance and winning.

Although Mr. Trump alleged David Axelrod, the Obama strategist, aback Admiral Barack Obama was in office, and offered to body a amphitheater in the White Abode (but didn’t acknowledgment advantageous for it), he hasn’t congenital one for himself.

Mr. Trump, who was appear to accept told some golf ally that “that White Abode is a absolute dump” afterwards he confused in (he denies it), brand to do some of his own designing. He added a lot added flags and eagles with talons.

He alleged his own gray bittersweet Oval Appointment wallpaper — a Trump staffer dismissively told a anchorman that the Obama striped wallpaper was too decrepit to accumulate — and seems to be accomplishing some animus decorating.

In July, CNN appear that the official portraits of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were yanked from the admirable antechamber of the White Abode and replaced with portraits of Teddy Roosevelt and William McKinley.

Clinton and Bush were relegated to the old ancestors dining room, which is now sometimes acclimated to abundance tablecloths and furniture, CNN said.

Until 2015, the old ancestors dining allowance was not a allowance apparent by the public. With allotment from the detached White Abode Historical Association, Mrs. Obama and Mr. Smith chose bright art and august appliance from all eras, and added the allowance to the accessible bout of the State floor.

When Mrs. Obama apparent it for Jenna Bush on “Today” the above aboriginal babe seemed captivated with the room, reconceived in the Obamas’ eclectic, added modern, un-fuddy-duddy style, featuring an optimistic painting alleged “Resurrection” by Alma Thomas, a acclaimed African-American abstruse artisan who formed out of her home in D.C., blocks from the White House. She was the aboriginal Black woman whose assignment was in the abiding collection.

Now, CNN said, the Trump Administration has alternate the allowance to its bottom cachet off the accessible tour, as about a account angle space.

I ask Mr. Smith how our time admiring in apprehension has afflicted architecture sensibilities. It has fabricated bodies added hyper-aware of their homes, he said, added focused on adequate beds and alfresco spaces.

When he talks to millennials, he finds that their tastes are simpler. “They’re absorbed in things that don’t accept too abundant stimuli,” he said.

He writes in the book that he would accept admired to get his paws on Camp David and accord it a little Ralph Lauren bogie dust.

As a decorator, can you anytime top yourself afterwards the White House?

“I’d adulation to do Buckingham Palace, but I’m apparently not activity to get to do that,” he said, dryly.

Maybe you could do Harry and Meghan’s new $14.7 actor Montecito crib, I say, abating him. Or you could accouterment the super-weird replica of the Oval Appointment that the Republican pollster Frank Luntz has congenital in his Los Angeles house.

Mr. Smith all-overs his head.

As we part, he has a final plea: “Make me complete thin.”

[Don’t you appetite a Affirm or Abjure adornment bandy pillow?]

Maureen Dowd: You own Frank Sinatra’s golf barrow at the Thunderbird country club in Rancho Mirage.

Michael Smith: I own one of abounding Frank Sinatra golf carts. Isn’t it added absorbing than an orthodontist’s golf cart?

You don’t comedy golf.

Yes, I aloof drive it fast through my adjacency and pretend I’ve gone for a jog.

You watched “Air Force One” on Air Force One.

Confirm. Harrison Ford is a client.

You’re alone amenable for the Suzani trend.


You adulation bunches of books awash by color.

Please, deny. Please.

Ceilings are a absent opportunity.

Oh my God, I anticipation you said feelings. I admired it bigger aback I anticipation you said feelings. Ceilings accept to be actual subtle, but they can say volumes.

A rug tells you aggregate you charge to apperceive about a person.

You beggarly like a toupee? Or a absolute rug? Deny. It’s like best clothing. A rug ability be evocative of somebody else’s traits, not your own.

At a White Abode party, you watched Admiral Obama and Usher accept a Gangnam-style dance-off.

Yes, absolutely.

Vanessa Williams sang “Happy Birthday” to you on an important night.

Yes, my 50th altogether in Madrid. She came to Madrid to sing “Happy Birthday” and she sang “Save the Best for Last,” which is affectionate of ballsy at the end of a party.

You serve amber tea afterwards every meal.

That’s a confirmation. Ginger-lemon-turmeric tea.

Tom Ford acclimated your dining allowance in L.A. in a movie.

Yes, he attempt the affair arena from “Nocturnal Animals” there.

You threw Jane Fonda’s 80th altogether party.

Yes, true. Her son, Troy Garity, brought a D.J. who was so great, everyone, including the waiters, were dancing.

Celebrities adulation to booty selfies in the leopard-upholstered bar of the abode you’re renting in L.A.

Yes, the abode was congenital by Paul Williams, an amazing African-American architect, for Tyrone Power. And I briefly covered the walls with leopard.

You capital to use bobcat wallpaper in the White House.

I don’t anticipate Obama’s an animal-print fan. It doesn’t assume like a fit for him.

You went to Swifty Lazar’s last, allegorical Oscar affair at the old Spago.

He arrive me but abandoned for two hours. He bolter me bottomward and told me I had to leave. I did allocution to Angie Dickinson in the band to the bathroom.

Your New York accommodation was the accommodation area the absolute “Six Degrees of Separation” happened.

Confirm. It was Oz and Inger Elliott’s apartment.

On vacation, you’re never blessed with the lighting of houses area you stay. So you biking with a roadie case of nine D.J. LED color-changing lights that are rechargeable, so you can relight the spaces.


You’re redoing Bob Evans’s house, which was bought by David Zaslav, the arch controlling of Discovery Communications.


You capital to put one of those all-glass showers, like Kevin Kline had in “Dave,” in the president’s bathroom.

I could accept but no.

As Diana Vreeland said, it’s not bad aftertaste you article to, it’s no aftertaste you article to.

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